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what's with the dog?
In 2008, Spark led Twitter’s Series B and made a very dear friend in the process, Twitter’s Co-Founder, Biz Stone.
Over the years, we remained very close. And in 2017, after selling Jelly to Pinterest, Biz decided to think about his next move while working out of Spark’s San Francisco office.
At the same time, Spark was also thinking about its next move, but as a brand. Biz, having worked with us for over a decade, saw an answer for Spark and made us this deck. We loved it. His wit and unbound creativity makes us smile to this day. But as branding goes in venture (hint: it doesn’t go), the deck got tucked away.
In 2020, we decided to take a fresh look at Spark’s identity. This meant going through our archives and delivering the full digital pile—including Biz’s deck—to our design partner, Pentagram.
As we explored Spark’s values, beliefs, and how we show up for our founders, Biz’s work finally clicked (not to mention, he has a track record with animal-based logos).
Pentagram decided to revisit that deck and rework those sketches. And, well, Biz—you were right. A dog is spot-on.
We know
there are no playbooks or rulebooks or formulas. Your culture is your company. It’s not about us. Nobody runs your company like you. Listening works. We have our own style. Products can make markets. Pattern-matching is for non-believers. Pitch decks aren’t everything. There’s no single right way to do this, but there are some pretty wrong ones.
We invest
in products we love, people, crazy, dreams, design, brains, reality, unreality, reinvention, new markets, weird stuff, guts, independence, hustle, distinction, art, action, humanness, idealists, oddities, optimism, communities, creation, surprises, technologists with the heart of an artist, each other.
We love
this job. Not following the herd. Committing. Having our minds blown. Details and precision. Products—and actually using them. Swimming upstream. To prove the exceptions. Winning your way. The Absolute. Form. Rhizomes. Function. The ups and downs and twists and turns of the decade-long journey.
here to do this with you.
© Spark Capital 2024
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