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We’re Homebrew. Our team is small but mighty. Like your startup. And together, we’ll work like mad to turn your vision into reality.
Satya Patel
Prior to Homebrew, I was VP Product at Twitter, building and leading the Product Management and User Services teams. Before Twitter, I was a Partner at Battery Ventures, where I co-led the seed and early stage investing practices. I joined Google in 2003 and was responsible for AdSense product management and partnerships. Before heading to Silicon Valley for Google, I worked for DoubleClick, in venture capital and as a strategy consultant. My education is memorialized by a BS in Finance and a BS in Psychology from The University of Pennsylvania.
Hunter Walk
Before Homebrew, I led consumer product management at YouTube, starting when it was acquired by Google. I originally joined Google in 2003, managing product and sales efforts for AdSense, Google‘s contextual advertising business. My first job in Silicon Valley was as the founding product and marketing guy at Linden Lab. Before graduate school, I was a management consultant and also spent a year at Late Night with Conan O‘ Brien. My parents are proud of my BA in History from Vassar and MBA from Stanford University.
Beth Scheer
Head of Talent
At Homebrew, I work closely with our founders and their executive team members as an advisor on all things Talent-related, including recruiting, diversity & inclusion, compensation, onboarding and people operations. Prior to Homebrew, I spent 5+ years at Salesforce leading executive search, sales leadership search and the sales growth/professional services recruiting teams. Before Salesforce, I built the Google AdSense team starting in 2003 and then spent 6 years hiring for business operations, corporate communications and various engineering teams. I’m a proud graduate of The Colorado College with a BS in Psychology.
Charo Gioia
Director of Operations
Pre-Homebrew, I worked as International Liaison for the Latin America division of Sterling Software, supporting our distributors and customers in Mexico and South America. I joined SPO Partners, a hedge fund in Marin County, as a Research Assistant for the team of financial analysts. While in college, I worked as a volunteer and community organizer for local political campaigns. I grew up in Peru and am a proud graduate of The University of California-Berkeley with a BS in Political Science.
Homebrew Advisors are formally affiliated with the fund and work closely with our partner companies, providing guidance and expertise in the areas where Advisors each have a “superpower.”
Scott Belsky
Venture Advisor | Chief Product Officer, Adobe
Stacy Brown-Philpot
Founder Advisor | CEO, TaskRabbit
Jen Grant
Founder Advisor | CEO, Turbo Systems
Ryan Graves
Founder Advisor | Former SVP Global Operations, Uber
Prakash Janakiraman
Founder Advisor | Co-founder, Nextdoor
Sasha Lubomirsky
Founder Advisor | Director of Design and Development, ueno
Ashley Mayer
Founder Advisor | Head of Communications, Glossier
Peter Navin
Founder Advisor | CHRO, Grand Rounds
Cory Ondrejka
Founder Advisor | Tech Advisor to CEO, Google
Roy Sehgal
Founder Advisor | Former COO, Imgur
Mike Smith
Founder Advisor | President & COO, Stitch Fix
Eugene Wei
Founder Advisor | Former PM Amazon, Hulu, Flipboard & Oculus
Cherie Yu
Founder Advisor | Former Head of Local Marketing, Lyft
409 Primrose Road
Burlingame, CA
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© 2024 Homebrew Management LLC
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