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Embodied AI: The Opportunity of Our Generation
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Industrial Evolution
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Forging the New Economy: Eclipse Fund V and Early Growth Fund II
Eclipse announced $1.23B in new funds — comprising $720M for Eclipse Fund V and $510M for Eclipse Early Growth Fund II — bringing our total assets under management to ~$4 billion.
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Electrifying the Marine Industry: Mitch Lee, Co-Founder and CEO, Arc
Eclipse's Industrial Evolution Innovators Series is an introduction to the founders and companies powering the New Economy.
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Charting a Resilient Path Forward in 2024
Eclipse Founding Partner Lior Susan highlights three critical considerations for founders planning under economic uncertainty: cash runway, fundraising, and operating plan.
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Operators' Observations
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Digital Transformation , Insights
Jul 1, 2024 | 3
The Art of Securing Strategic Partnerships
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News , Portfolio
Jun 25, 2024 | 3
Pioneering Modern Manufacturing: Bright Machines’ Series C
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Jun 19, 2024 | 4
Why Edge Data Centers Need Net-Zero Energy
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Jun 13, 2024 | 14
Embodied AI: The Opportunity of Our Generation
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Digital Transformation , Insights
Jun 11, 2024 | 3
Scaling Up in Physical Industries
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May 7, 2024 | 5
Accelerating Autonomous Vehicles with Embodied AI: Wayve’s Series C
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News , Portfolio
Mar 26, 2024 | 4
Racing the Clock: Our Investment in Circular.co
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Mar 12, 2024 | 3
How to Navigate Venture Debt
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