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About a16z
Andreessen Horowitz (aka a16z) is a venture capital firm that backs bold entrepreneurs building the future through technology. We are stage agnostic. We invest in seed to venture to growth-stage technology companies, across AI, bio + healthcare, consumer, crypto, enterprise, fintech, games, infrastructure, and companies building toward American dynamism. a16z has $42B in assets under management across multiple funds.
Respect for the entrepreneur and the company-building process defines a16z. We know what it’s like to be in the founder’s shoes. General partners lead the firm, many of whom are former founders/operators, CEOs, or CTOs of successful technology companies, and have domain expertise ranging from data to artificial intelligence, biology to crypto, distributed systems to security, and marketplaces to financial services.
We aim to connect entrepreneurs, investors, executives, engineers, academics, industry experts, cultural geniuses, and others in the technology ecosystem. We have built a network of experts, including technical and executive talent; marketing and communications resources; Fortune 500/Global 2000 companies; cultural leaders and influencers; as well as other technology decision makers and key opinion leaders. Our network reflects a16z’s commitment to helping our portfolio companies grow their businesses, and our operating teams provide entrepreneurs with access to expertise and insights across the entire spectrum of company-building.
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