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Our Investment Strategy
We invest in the most promising early stage, rapid growth technology companies in the Mid-Atlantic region.
Portfolio companies benefit from the Fund’s affiliation with one of the largest and most active technology councils in the nation for introductions to customers, recruits, resellers and distributors, Board directors, investors and quality service providers.
The Fund typically invests $500,000 to $3M initially, with up to $4-5M to support the company’s growth. The general partners are active investors, typically (but, not always) a Board Director and lead investor.
Tech Council Ventures
The firm manages $130 million across two comparably focused early stage venture funds. The Fund was created by the NJ Tech Council, now known as TechUnited:NJ, to provide expansion capital to the region’s rapid growth entrepreneurs and capitalize on the fertile ecosystem.
Trusted Expertise
Portfolio companies benefit from a number of industry and domain experts. TechUnited:NJ touches 30,000 companies in the Mid-Atlantic region, with six major vertical Advisory Boards consisting of CXOs with world class expertise. In addition, more than 200 highly accomplished corporate executives, successful entrepreneurs and industry leading institutions comprise the Fund’s investor base. Tech Council Ventures team has success and experience building startups into companies that transform industries.
Our Team
Jim Gunton
Managing Partner & Founder
Stephen Socolof
Managing Partner
Mark Kolb
Aaron Price
CEO, TechUnited
Jane Dela Cruz
Director of Operations and Marketing
Stephanie Petak

Empowering entrepreneurs & innovators who propel the future for New Jersey & beyond.
For those who are defining the path ahead in New Jersey and beyond, TechUnited:NJ is an empowering force for all innovators, disruptors and entrepreneurs achieving this by uniting our community to embolden the “what ifs” so that we accelerate opportunity, propel ideas into action, in order to build a better future for all.
TechUnited:NJ provides business development, education, networking and recognition opportunities as well as advocacy.
Programs are designed to help you and your company grow. Member companies (including all employees) enjoy a variety of benefits/discounts and access to a network of leaders empowering the ecosystem and creating the future.
Learn more about Membership
Visit TechUnited:NJ to learn more and how you can get involved.
LP Spotlight
RWJB arnabas Health
Barry Ostrowsky, President and CEO, RWJBarnabas Health welcomes all to join TechUnited:NJ’s Better Wellness Innovation Summit – June 15, 2021.
Rowan University
Rowan University Provost Tony Lowman highlights Rowan’s engaged growth and innovation.
Overlook Medical Center

Mark Kolb caught up with Alan Lieber, President of Overlook Medical Center, part of Atlantic Health System and discussed the 3Rs- Response, Recovery, Readiness of the COVID-19 disruption.
RWJBarnabas Health

Tech Council Ventures chats with John Doll, Executive Vice President & CFO, RWJBarnabas Health on insights into COVID-19 and how RWJBarnabas Health ensures your safety welcoming you back.
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