Default time for all watches, when the watch does not have a specific time setting.
Example - 3 seconds random jitter could trigger up to 3 seconds earlier or up to 3 seconds later
Password protection for your changedetection.io application.
Base URL used for the {base_url} token in notifications and RSS links.
Default value is the ENV var 'BASE_URL' (Currently ""), read more here.
Note: This will automatically apply to all existing watches.
When using a Chrome browser, a screenshot from the last check will be available on the Diff page
When a page contains HTML, but no renderable text appears (empty page), is this considered a change?

Send test notification Notification debug logs
Title for all notifications
Body for all notifications
Format for all notifications
These tokens can be used in the notification body and title to customise the notification text.
Token Description
{base_url} The URL of the changedetection.io instance you are running.
{watch_url} The URL being watched.
{watch_uuid} The UUID of the watch.
{watch_title} The title of the watch.
{watch_tag} The tag of the watch.
{preview_url} The URL of the preview page generated by changedetection.io.
{diff} The diff output - differences only
{diff_full} The diff output - full difference output
{diff_url} The URL of the diff page generated by changedetection.io.
{current_snapshot} The current snapshot value, useful when combined with JSON or CSS filters

URLs generated by changedetection.io (such as {diff_url}) require the BASE_URL environment variable set.
Your BASE_URL var is currently ""

Use the Basic method (default) where your watched sites don't need Javascript to render.

The Chrome/Javascript method requires a network connection to a running WebDriver+Chrome server, set by the ENV var 'WEBDRIVER_URL'.

If you're having trouble waiting for the page to be fully rendered (text missing etc), try increasing the 'wait' time here.
This will wait n seconds before extracting the text.
Ignore whitespace, tabs and new-lines/line-feeds when considering if a change was detected.
Note: Changing this will change the status of your existing watches, possibly trigger alerts etc.
Render anchor tag content, default disabled, when enabled renders links as (link text)[https://somesite.com]
Note: Changing this could affect the content of your existing watches, possibly trigger alerts etc.
  • Remove HTML element(s) by CSS selector before text conversion.
  • Add multiple elements or CSS selectors per line to ignore multiple parts of the HTML.
Note: This is applied globally in addition to the per-watch rules.
  • Note: This is applied globally in addition to the per-watch rules.
  • Each line processed separately, any line matching will be ignored (removed before creating the checksum)
  • Regular Expression support, wrap the line in forward slash /regex/
  • Changing this will affect the comparison checksum which may trigger an alert
  • Use the preview/show current tab to see ignores

Drive your changedetection.io via API, More about API access here

Restrict API access limit by using x-api-key header

API Key f1dd893dc38d1cc8e885a4a4f5c4d0e7